
Kids Kount Daycare

23631 AL Hwy 24 Trinity, AL

Living Art Bonsai Society

Goals of the
Living Art Bonsai Society

To promote knowledge, interest, education, and the enjoyment of bonsai and other living plant materials.

To encourage members’ collections and exhibitions of bonsai.

To develop learning opportunities to assist members in the preparation and care of bonsai.

To raise awareness of bonsai in the community through public service communications and operations as well as demonstrations to the general public.

If you are interested in learning more, would like to visit us, or are interested in becoming a member, please attend one of our meetings! 

Check out the details on the Meeting Schedule  page for information about
our next scheduled meeting or contact an Officer in the Society.

Living Art Bonsai Society is a registered Non-Profit organization.

2024 Bonsai Show’s judge: 
“Mr. Bjorn Bjorholm”

Mr. Bjorholm received high quality photos of our competitive bonsai trees and made his favorite selection.   

White Pine – Pinus parviflora

Style: Informal upright

Age of Tree: 30 years

Years in training: 18

Winner: Gerald Tolleson

A Message from Our President Mr. Terry

February and winter continue here in north Alabama. (Yea no yard work) (Hmm cabin fever) Some have already begun the annual repotting challenge. There are two schools of thought on late winter repotting. (1) Repotting now can force early budding. (2) Cold weather should cause dormancy to continue. Early buds can freeze and cause plant damage. If we’re not repotting yet, we can and should be preparing soil, cleaning pots and thinking about any major pruning we plan for our trees. A common mistake among Bonsai enthusiasts, we look at a tree, like it, and tell ourselves one more could not hurt. A very elusive point (just how many are too many). The trees, and we, would be much better served, taking very good care of a few trees, than taking moderate care of a lot of trees. (Note to self: pay attention to the great advice above)

Bonsai is a wonderful, rewarding hobby. Raise a few trees, learn about this interesting hobby, from this web site, on-line resources and join a local group to benefit from the years of knowledge garnered by members there.

Phil Terry
President LABS

Current Trees that you may find in our collections


Boxwood (Buxus) are very robust and can grow even on barren ground, in fu ll sun or shade. As boxwoods tolerate constant trimming very well and can bud from old wood, they are very well suited for bonsai.


One of the best bonsai trees for beginners is the Bald Cypress, or Taxodium distichum. A member of the Redwood family, Taxodiaceae, it is a primary tree species & can reach heights of 100-120′ with a trunk diameter typically between 3-5′.


Azaleas can be trained for either flowers or bonsai but not really for both. Azaleas trained primarily for flowers usually have a shrubby appearance – Azaleas bloom in various colors and are an ideal species for bonsai.


The Chinese elm is a very popular choice of Bonsai for beginners, as it is a strong tree that reacts well to pruning and can be kept outdoors as well as indoors. The fine ramification, tiny leaves and beautiful bark are characteristics most loved for this tree species.

Kingsville Boxwood
Buxus Microphylla Forest
Style: Rock Over Rock
Age: 8 years
In Training: 3 years

Bald Cypress
Taxodium distictum
Style: Formal Upright
Age: 18 years
In Training: 13 years

Satsuki Azalea
Rhododendrum indicum
Style: Informal Upright
Age: 40 years
In Training: 30 years

Lacebark Elm
Ulmus parvifolia
Style: Informal Upright
Age: 100+ years
In Training: 100+ years

         events or SHOWS

     Next events


Coming in 2025

Pottery making demonstration by James Cofer

   and other Bonsai type classes or workshops…

           Stay tuned…

15 Feb


  • 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • 23631 AL Hwy 24. Trinity, AL
  • Monthly Meeting Class – Free

“Work Session – Grafting presented by Dennis Coad

28 Feb


  • Time TBD
  • Location: County Extension office Cook Ave Huntsville
  • Workshop Cost – $65

Bring your own tree Workshops with Jennifer Price at County Extension office Cook Ave Huntsville Price $65. Signup will begin in January.

1 Mar


  • Time TBD
  • Location: Bennett’s Nurseries
    7002 Memorial Pkwy NW, Huntsville, AL 35810
  • Workshop Cost – $65

Bring your own tree Workshops with Jennifer Price at County Extension office Cook Ave Huntsville Price $65. Signup will begin in January.